We efficiently help your clients deal with tax issues!

Are your self employed clients facing these problems?

● Reduced profits from previous filing year?

● Filed an extension instead of filing tax?

● Having problem seeking access to capital?

We are experts at helping you solve complex tax issues. We deeply understand the many challenges faced by your clients, and help and advice with several loan alternatives to help them reach their real estate goals; while providing with professional service resources. Let us help you provide the best services to your clients with our unique loan programs.

It’s a simple 4- step process to acquiring the best loans:

1. Call and tell us your story

We listen to the whole situation. We help Certified Public Accountants (CPA) and your clients close their cases faster; even when your clients have a self-employed status or have trouble with tax issues. We ensure secure loans for all.

2. Free professional consultation service to review your case

With over 25 years of experience in the mortgage banking industry we, at Capital DirectFunding, provide you with the best solutions to help your clients achieve their goals.

3. Select the best loan options

There are several cases involved with tax failure that end up getting unapproved! With our loan programs, we open and let your clients select the best solutions to help them get loans and achieve satisfaction.

4. We fund it

We make the deal happen and move as fast as the situation demands! Build a great business relationship with us and we will help you by providing professional service to your clients and help them solve a crisis.